2015-06: noni baby is born, to verify the "Noni-Factory noni enzyme" security.
(note: not all noni brand products are suitable for use in pregnant women and infants)
Special tips: infants and young children's method of use: Noni-Factory pure noni enzymes and 50 degrees warm water for use, the smaller the age dilution ratio is higher, the dilution ratio is 1 (noni enzyme) : 20 (warm water) to 1 (noni enzyme) : 8 (boiled water). After use must watch children during the period of reaction, whether increase or decrease in usage.

Empirical case: prepare pregnant mother first began to use "noni enzymes" pregnancy of the third month, after a day early, late, just before bed, 60 ml, namely everyday use 180 ml dosage, continue uninterrupted, besides taking noni enzyme, don't eat any spuc drugs and supplements, during the whole pregnancy not pregnant women generally become very sensitive skin, rough, facial also because melanin appear obvious issues such as pregnancy, indications and almost no pregnancy, and postpartum complexion skin than when not pregnant.
Noni baby birth weight 3250 g, jaundice index of 6.7 (jaundice index security cordon 14~ 15), Health is very good, the skin fair-skinneds in vain, on the vision and general babies born at the same time obviously mature for 30 days.
Noni baby after the full moon, the occasional phlegm or slightly cold, etc., all feeds it diluted 10:1 Noni-Factory noni enzyme, and the baby she is very like to drink, lishui, taking 8 hours after the dilution of noni enzyme, can produce good expectorant effect, is now in the usual drink of water to add the noni enzyme can achieve very good protection effect.
After more than a year of clinical observation, confirmed the safety of products, pregnant women and infants products, can be used in adults and children more confident choices used Noni-Factory products,
Noni-Factory series products production and sales "through-train" operation, the company completely got the control from the safety of the planting base, production process quality control, fully guarantee the safety of the product.


诺丽工厂健康产业是集种植、生产、研发、销售于一体的企业,具有严格的生产质量控制体系,具备产品研发、生产的绝对优势! 诺丽工厂在【赤道上的翡翠】 印度尼西亚的种植基地采【野放种植】的管理模式,种植基地的土质经过严格检测,不用肥料、不喷洒农药,保障了诺丽果原料来源的安全性;印度尼西亚是植物的天堂;更是诺丽果生长的的乐土,基地拥有优质的土壤环境,全年湿度在70%以上,年均温三十度,在温度与湿度极其适合的自然的条件下,诺丽果树高达二十多米(无法人工喷农药),树根深入地底火山土壤层,才能孕育诺丽工厂独特的黄金诺丽果。 再好的技术,也必须有适合的原材料,诺丽工厂因为有这种黄金诺丽果,才可能以诺丽自体发酵技术生产出口味醇厚的诺丽原酶素!

秉承善心、善念、善行、善果的理念,战战兢兢履行企业责任;当很多同行都在为如何降低成本,提高利润,迅速扩大市场而费尽心思的时候,诺丽工厂却一直在为如何提升产品质量,降低利润,让客户用得好,用得起而努力不懈。 让变质量说话,是诺丽工厂迈向国际市场的主旋律; 二十年来,诺丽工厂能够成为全球市场超过二十个品牌的原材料供应商及OEM、ODM贴牌生产,靠的就是质量与诚信;虽然有些品牌做大了,为了追求利润最大,不惜降低产品质量而选择其他产地的诺丽原料,但是,市场销售的第一线人员面对的消费者也不是傻瓜,因为消费者的要求与坚持,诺丽工厂不但没有流失既有的市场,反而是以次充好的品牌被消费者抛弃了,坚持与诺丽工厂合作的品牌却越做越大,这就是对诺丽工厂质量的最好见证! 诺丽产品进入2015年以来,市场产品龙蛇混杂,竞争激烈,但是,诺丽工厂却为了提高产品质量,不惜于2015年启动新生产机制,将生产成本提高了30%,为了质量还是坚持走自己的路,目的只有一个:让消费者用到安全、有效的产品。